Network access

Access applications processing over holiday season: All applications received on or after 13 December 2024 will not be reviewed until 13 January 2025

Working by the railway?

The rail network is divided into several geographical routes and includes passenger lines and freight lines.

If you are planning on doing any work near the railway, please contact our Third-Party Access team who are your gateway to supporting you in delivering your work safely.

It's important to note that any work carried out must meet V/Line's requirements as set out in the Third Party Safety and Environmental Management Handbook.

Working near the railway can be a dangerous environment and we are able to help you navigate the risks. V/line is committed to safety, so we want to help you deliver your works safely and securely.

The Third-Party Access team can help you with a multitude of works including:
  • Construction sites near the railway; 
  • Utility works (water, electric, gas, cabling etc.); 
  • Radio transmitters; 
  • Bridge works; 
  • New road schemes; 
  • Inspection and surveying; and 
  • Works within the designated precautionary area of level crossings. 

Please note - Real time information on V/Line train arrivals is now available on Google and Apple Maps as well as AnyTrips apps.
Please be aware that real-time information is available for V/Line passenger services only.
Other trains such as freight may still run at any time on the line so always remain vigilant around the railway. 

The Third Party Access team do not deal with emergency works. For emergencies, please contact 1800 023 668.

Accessing V/Line land

Requesting access

Before submitting a Third Party Access application, please ensure you have read and understood our Site Access Guide.

For any works that involve amending / installing assets (including Non-Destructive-Digging) on V/Line Leased Land, approval from VicTrack (land owners) must be sought prior to applying for Network Access through V/Line.


If it is State nominated project, contact Department of Transport (DoT) to provide State project letter of approval or other as applicable.

The steps required in the application process depend on the nature of your request. Please view the PDF linked below for an understanding of this process.

What is the nature of your request?

How to request Third Party Access
PDF 727kb

What is the Works Readiness Procedure?

The planning, management and monitoring of work packages during network closures, commissioning events, or configuration changes of the V/Line network are complex activities that have the potential to present significant risks to network safety and train operations.

The purpose of this procedure is to detail the process and define the governance mechanism approved by V/Line to manage the planning and development of packages of work planned for delivery on the V/Line Network.

Please answer the questions below to see if the Works Readiness procedure applies to your access request.

  1. Are the works disruptive to Rail Operations?
  2. Are the works utilising an existing disruption to Rail Operations? 
  3. Do the works involve:
    • A configuration change to the rail network?
    • Planned works that will alter infrastructure assets?
    • Planned works that will bring into service new infrastructure assets?
    • Commissioning of a new infrastructure asset?​
    • De-commissioning of an existing infrastructure asset?*

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you must follow the Works Readiness Procedure. You may contact to enrol in Works Readiness Procedures.

* Infrastructure assets are defined as anything tangible or intangible that can be used by V/Line to produce value to rail operations. This includes, but is not limited to Train Control Systems, Communications Systems, Track, Signalling, Civil, Structures, Electrical, Facilities, Stations, Carparks or Maintenance Depots. 

Submit an access request

To request access to V/Line-managed land for any activities, you need to complete a Third-Party Access Application. Submit your application using a computer, tablet or smartphone, provided you have an internet connection.
V/Line advises applicants not to reserve/book resources prior to the attainment of a valid Site Access Permit. This permit is issued following successful review of the Access Application. Since a valid Site Access Permit is a mandatory requirement to carry out the works, booking resources prior to the approval of the permit may put you at risk of interruption to your work schedule.
Your application must be lodged at least 30-business days before access is required and also include the minimum flagfall charge as indicated in the fee structure below prior to an initial review being conducted.

This fee is applicable to ALL applications and is non-refundable (except state nominated projects). (See below Third Party Access Fee Structure).

The total cost of access will be determined once we commence an internal review. If successful, we will issue you with a Site Access Permit.

To expediate the process, please supply a purchase order with the following details:

V/Line Corporation
GPO Box 5343
Melbourne VIC 3001

Description: Third Party Access Flagfall Fee - Brief description of project and location
Amount: $780 exc GST

Attach the purchase order to your application.