About V/Line

V/Line, as a brand, has provided public transport services to regional Victoria for over 40 years.

Each week, V/Line schedules more than 1,997 train services between Melbourne and:

  • Geelong and Warrnambool
  • Ballarat, Maryborough and Ararat
  • Bendigo, Swan Hill and Echuca
  • Seymour, Shepparton and Albury
  • Traralgon, Sale and Bairnsdale. 

More than 1,462 V/Line-branded coach services connect with the rail network and serve regional Victorian communities. Some of our coach services also link Victoria with South Australia, New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Private sector operators provide all V/Line-branded coach services under the management of V/Line.

As well as being a public transport operator, V/Line also leases, provides access to and maintains over 3,520 kilometres of rail track used by passengers and freight rail operators.

V/Line Corporation is a major employer with a workforce of 2,190 including many who live and work in regional Victoria.

Our Purpose

To provide a connected and bright future for Victorians.

Our Vision

A modern, high-performing railway and coach service for all.

Our Mission

Connecting Victoria by empowering our people to be their best. 

Our Values

Our Values are integral to the way our teams work and how we treat our customers and key stakeholders.


Public officials should demonstrate responsiveness by:

  • providing frank, impartial and timely advice to the Government;
  • providing high quality services to the Victorian community; and
  • identifying and promoting best practice.


Public officials should demonstrate integrity by:

  • being honest, open and transparent in their dealings;
  • using powers responsibly;
  • reporting improper conduct;
  • avoiding any real or apparent conflicts of interest; and
  • striving to earn and sustain public trust of a high level.


Public officials should demonstrate impartiality by:

  • making decisions and providing advice on merit and without bias, caprice, favouritism or self interest;
  • acting fairly by objectively considering all relevant facts and fair criteria; and
  • implementing Government policies and programs equitably.


Public officials should demonstrate accountability by:

  • working to clear objectives in a transparent manner;
  • accepting responsibility for their decisions and actions;
  • seeking to achieve best use of resources; and
  • submitting themselves to appropriate scrutiny.


Public officials should demonstrate respect for colleagues, other public officials and members of the Victorian community by:

  • treating them fairly and objectively;
  • ensuring freedom from discrimination, harassment and bullying; and
  • using their views to improve outcomes on an ongoing basis.


Public officials should demonstrate leadership by actively implementing, promoting and supporting these values.


Human Rights

Public officials should respect and promote the human rights set out in the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities by:

  • making decisions and providing advice consistent with human rights; and
  • actively implementing, promoting and supporting human rights.

Contact us

Phone: 1800 800 007
TTY: (03) 9619 2727

Customer Relations
Reply Paid 5343
Melbourne VIC 8060