At V/Line, we understand that our role as a public transport operator contributes to environmental sustainability.
With approximately 3440 kilometres of railway track under our control, including stations, rail yards and a fleet of more than 300 individual train sets, we have many environmental challenges.
Some of our biggest challenges relate to the management and protection of significant vegetation next to our tracks and the use of diesel fuel to power our trains.
Government reporting directives requires V/Line to submit additional information on office-based environmental data.
Detailed information on aspects of energy use, waste production and paper use help keep environmental issues front of mind, and set out challenges for ongoing improvement in the coming years.
The Energy Efficiency Opportunities program encourages large energy-using businesses to improve their energy efficiency. It does this by requiring businesses to identify, evaluate and report publicly on cost effective energy savings opportunities.
V/Line regularly reports on current energy usage and more importantly, identifies projects to drive energy savings. This information can be found each year in our Annual Report available under the publications page.
V/Line manages approximately 3440 kilometres of rail reserves in Victoria.
These reserves border state forests, public land and a range of private landowners including farmers, homeowners and businesses.
Together with our neighbours, we work to manage pests, weeds and vegetation growth.