2023-24 Third-party Access fees

The below fee structure is effective from 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024. Each fee is per project only. Multiple access is calculated separately.

Fee type Details Minimum access fee
Flagfall An initial flag fall fee of $750 + GST is applicable for all applications. This fee is payable upfront and covers the cost of the initial review of each application. This fee is non-refundable. $750 + GST
Type 1 Inspections, observations, investigations, groundwater/soil sampling, scanning, surveys, non-destructive digging, geotechnical investigation, assessments, fencing, materials laydown/assembly and any other activities undertaken outside of the danger zone including no potential to enter danger zone. $1,710 + GST
Exact price on application
Type 2 Inspections, observations, investigations, groundwater/soil sampling, scanning, surveys, non-destructive digging, geotechnical investigation, assessments, fencing, materials laydown/assembly and any other activities undertaken inside of the danger zone including potential to enter danger zone.

Vegetation removal, landscaping, waste removal, weed control, cabling.
$4,810 + GST
Exact price on application
Type 3 Maintenance and minor civil works, infrastructure repairs, equipment installation. $5,770 + GST
Exact price on application
Type 4 Underground and overhead service installations, renewals, replacements, decommissioning of infrastructure. $7,580 + GST
Exact price on application
Type 5 Major civil works. $9,510 + GST
Exact price on application
Type 6 Fee for service for ongoing access requirements (as determined by V/Line). Fee covers ongoing access requirements calculated on a per project basis.

Based on the hours required for V/Line and/or external consultants to undertake the tasks required to ensure access applications comply with all applicable Australian and V/Line standards, an invoice will be issued on a monthly basis for the duration of the works/access. The applicant will be provided with the hourly service rates and purchase order requirements upon application submission. Additional charges, including but not limited to requests for site visits or meetings will be charged at applicable fee for service rates.

The minimum fees for each access type are reflective of the hours required for V/Line to undertake the tasks required to ensure access applications comply with all applicable Australian and V/Line standards. Dependant on the complexity of the proposed activity, a higher fee may be incurred.

The fee you are charged reflects the actual cost incurred by V/Line to undertake all the tasks required to issue a Site Access Permit. These tasks may include:

  • Third Party Access Review
  • Safety and Safe Working Evaluation
  • Site Surveillance
  • Environmental Assessment
  • Engineering Design Analysis
  • Internal V/Line Notifications
  • Associated Administrative Activities

Part permits are issued for third party access not entering the rail reserve, incurring a fee of $750 + GST.

Request for site access permit extension will incur a fee of $750 + GST.